Auld Lang Syne
Happy 2025, Peacocks! From Video Workshops, to Broadway workshops to the most Super Spectacular Showcase, 2024 was the year we left our colorful mark on the community.
We will forever share these moments with each of you & hope 2025 will be equally as vibrant!
Keep reading for all the fun happenings for the start of the year.
final 2 spots left!*
Rehearsals begin this Friday, Jan 3rd
Registration is live! Click below to register.
*Must attend all sessions. No refunds after Jan 3rd. Loyal Royal discounts apply.
Schedule & Classes
New Class added to our Group Fitness lineup. Join Ms Cindy every Saturday 10:30am for a 1-hour body sculpting, strength-building, core-tightening barreFIT class. Low impact, but high results - great for all bodies!
Our favorite Spotlight classes are coming to you this month. Don't miss out!
Peacocks on Parade
Your Royal Peacock Dancers have been invited to perform once again at MyHollywood Pride. This is a free & family-friendly event - see them perform at the start of the show, 1pm!
Loyal Royal Club
We have made some necessary changes to the Loyal Royal Club tiers to make room for future success! The new levels above have been re-aligned - but, please note, any current discounts you may have been awarded will not change. Reach out with any questions.
On that note, Congratulations to the Peacocks below that have joined the Club or have leveled up to the next Tier* in the month of December. We are so grateful for this family!
Caitlin Dunn - Turquoise (50+)
Karen Rech - Turquoise (50+)
A. Angel McNally - Turquoise (50+)
Tiffany Albury - Turquoise (50+)
Eesha Adhami - Turquoise (50+)
Stepan Matysik - Jade (75+)
Stevy Light - Jade (75+)
Eugenia Canelada - Emerald (100+)
Shailini Obrien - Emerald (100+)
Ashley Pribisco - Emerald (100+)
Samantha Renshaw - Indigo (300+)
You too can become part of the club. For full details, check out
*as of Dec 31st, 2024
Happy New Year,