News & Events The Royal Peacock Studio News & Events The Royal Peacock Studio

August - Happy 1st Birthday, Peacocks!

Happy 1st Birthday, Peacocks! This newsletter comes at you today with such joy, pride, and perhaps a few pecks & bruises. What a year it has been! We cannot thank you enough for your continued support, consistency, and engagement. To celebrate, you are personally invited to the GALA of the year (said in our best Lady Whistledown voice). Amazing reveals, surprise moments, announcements, discounts, etc - you do not want to miss!

Happy 1st Birthday, Peacocks! This newsletter comes at you today with such joy, pride, and perhaps a few pecks & bruises. What a year it has been! We cannot thank you enough for your continued support, consistency, and engagement. To celebrate, you are personally invited to the GALA of the year (said in our best Lady Whistledown voice). Amazing reveals, surprise moments, announcements, discounts, etc - you do not want to miss!

Dance Studio in Oakland Park, FL - 1st Year Anniversary

The Royal Peacock Studio turns 1!

Champagne & bites provided - Feel free to bring any additional beverage of your choice. Smart Casual attire, Black & Hot Pinks encouraged. RSVP here.

Dance Studio in Fort Lauderdale - 1st Year Anniversary

Prince in his Gala Attire

Speaking of our Royal Gala - we will have a Pet Name to reveal! The top 3 pet names have been selected - it is time for the people to decide! Please vote on your favorite pet name. Choose genuinely. The individual that submitted the selected pet name will receive the full month of September classes FREE*! (*GNO, workshops, special events not applicable).

Choose one of the three selected names here.

August continues to be a packed month

In addition to the Royal Gala - the Royal Peacock, in sponsorship with Dance Fort Lauderdale, will be hosting auditions for dancers to be part of a new squad! All levels encouraged. This is a non-profit group with one goal in mind - dance & perform to raise money for LGBT youth. More details below:

Dance Studio for Adults in Fort Lauderdale Audition

Dance Fort Lauderdale Clinic & Audition

Tomorrow, Tuesday August 2nd - catch the LINE DANCE train with Mr. Lee at 7:15pm

Line Dance Classes in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Line Dance Class

Fun for all levels! Book now here.

#FirstFriday is upon us! Grab your heels & your bestie - it’s Girls Night Out! See you Friday, August 5th at 7:15pm

Heels Dance Classes in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Heels Dance Class - Girls Night Out

Book your GNO / Heels class here

Lastly, your Royal Peacock dancers will be performing / competing in support of LBGT Youth! Julian’s Fountain of Youth presents: Posing for a Purpose, a ballroom-style battle (in the categories of Vogue, Cat walk, Lip Sync) for the WIN! Your Royal Peacock dancers are preparing a fierce performance for the stage. We hope you will be there cheering us on and / or consider donating to the charitable organization. Grab your tickets now! The event is almost sold out!

Year 1 has been a wild ride, Peacocks! We are so grateful for the outpouring of love this past year. We hope you will continue to show your Peacock Pride for year 2.

Royally Yours,

The Royal Peacock Studio

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News & Events The Royal Peacock Studio News & Events The Royal Peacock Studio

July - Beat the Heat!

Happy Summer, Peacocks! June/Pride Month was so much fun, thanks to all of you for celebrating with us! Check out our Social Media @theroyalpeacockstudio to see all the fun we had!

Let’s make July equally as sizzling as we beat the Summer heat (& South Florida storms)! There will be class schedule changes & Studio closures over the Fourth of July break, so please check the schedule & plan accordingly.

Happy Summer, Peacocks! June/Pride Month was so much fun, thanks to all of you for celebrating with us! Check out our Social Media @theroyalpeacockstudio to see all the fun we had!

Let’s make July equally as sizzling as we beat the Summer heat (& South Florida storms)! There will be class schedule changes & Studio closures over the Fourth of July break, so please check the schedule & plan accordingly.

Tuesday, June 28th @ 7:15pm - Ballet Contemporary with Ms. Caroline

Wednesday, June 29th @ 7:15pm - HipHop Level II, with the dazzling Ms. Dee

Thursday, June 30th @ 6:00pm - WERK with Ms. Tara

Friday, July 1st - Monday, July 4th - Studio closed in honor of Independence Day

*Please note our #FirstFriday Girls Night Out will occur on Friday, July 8th!

Other exciting news:

SAVE THE DATE: August 13th, 2022 - The Royal Peacock Studio turns 1! Join us for a fabulous ROYAL GALA @ 7:00pm - more details to follow. Please RSVP here.

Dance Studio in Oakland Park, FL - 1st Year Anniversary

The Royal Peacock Dance Studio turns 1!

Be ready for reveals, special announcements, drinks, hors d’oeuvres, huge discounts & more!

Also, the Royal Peacock needs your help! Our little cute mascot needs a name!

Please submit your most thoughtful names here. The individual that submits the selected “pet” name will receive the full month of September classes FREE! (*GNO, workshops, special events not applicable). The name will be revealed at the ROYAL GALA.

Dance Studio for Adults  in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Dance Studio in Fort Lauderdale - The Royal Peacock Studio

Lastly, you may have noticed technical issues with our website - this is known and intentional. We are making necessary & fun improvements. Big reveal at the ROYAL GALA! Stay tuned - continue to use the Wellness Living (or Google) app to book classes and engage on Social Media platforms for video, pictures, and upcoming news & events.

Wishing each of you a safe & enjoyable Independence Day weekend!

Good Vibes,

Adam Anthony

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News & Events The Royal Peacock Studio News & Events The Royal Peacock Studio

PEACOCK PRIDE! June news & events!

Pride is especially important to the Royal Peacock Studio, as it is a celebration of Love in all forms, puts a spotlight on Diversity & Inclusion, and encourages Uniqueness & creativity in all of us. The Royal Peacock has teamed up with WMEG & Stonewall Pride to bring to you a month packed with color & excitement! Please consider celebrating with us at any/all of the special happenings

Peacock - PRIDE Month has arrived! And, boy, do we have a lineup for you!

Pride is especially important to the Royal Peacock Studio, as it is a celebration of Love in all forms, puts a spotlight on Diversity & Inclusion, and encourages Uniqueness & creativity in all of us. The Royal Peacock has teamed up with WMEG & Stonewall Pride to bring to you a month packed with color & excitement! Please consider celebrating with us at any/all of the special happenings below:

We begin this Friday, June 3rd, with #FirstFriday Girls Night Out/Heels Class - an Official Stonewall Pride Kickoff event. Adam Anthony brings back his iconic stage choreography to “Nails Hair Heels” by Todrick Hall. Wear all black with pops of Pride. Special Champagne Toast to follow.

Heels Dance Classes in Oakland Park, FL

Heels Dance Class - Girls Night Out

Reserve your spot here.

Tuesday, June 7th & 14th, the Royal Peacock presents 5 Elements of Vogue with amazing Victor Lords. Come learn basic elements of Vogue, Vogue femme, new Vogue, and runway. Member rates do apply.

Vogue Dance Classes in Oakland Park, FL

Vogue Dance Class

Join us here.

Wednesday, June 15th, join us for a Stonewall Official Pride HiP HoP Fusion Class with Adam Anthony! - Show your fierceness & fabulosity - the more color, the better! Song choice: Todrick’s hot Summer Jam “It’s Rainin’ Fellas”.

Hip Hop Dance Classes in Oakland Park, FL

Hip Hop Fusion Dance Class

Lastly and MOST IMPORTANTLY - WMEG & Stonewall Pride need YOU. Yes, YOU! The Royal Peacock, organized, conceptualized, mixed & choreographed by our very own Adam Anthony, will be participating in a FLASH MOB at Pride, June 18th. ALL ARE NEEDED! Video tutorial and full presentation are available now. Additionally, we will be hosting 2 rehearsals in the coming days/weeks. Beginners are very much welcome; the choreography is attainable and not ALL choreography needs to be learned. Please head over here for details, videos, and more. There will be prize giveaways for participants! Let’s show them what we’re made of, Peacocks!

Stonetonewall Pride Parade and Street Festival Wilton Manors Juneteenth Flash Mob

Juneteenth Flash Mob

Happy Pride to each of you amazing & beautiful Souls. Continue to be uniquely YOU.

Love & Pride,

Adam Anthony

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